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Helping You Cope, Giving You Hope

When dealing with difficult times, the best way out is always through. However, the path from mourning to healing is not an easy journey to make. The road is long and often painful to travel. We’re here to help you soldier on.

Let Journey On provide you the support you need to get you through these difficult times. Talk to us. Our team is more than happy to listen.

History and Purpose

Journey On was founded in 2010 as Grief and Mourning Care where support was primarily offered in a group setting. Such groups focused on families who lost loved ones to gun violence. After serving for more than two years, it was determined that a broader horizon would impact more lives. Grief and Mourning Care became “Journey On”.

Journey On focuses on the road traveled during the time of grief and despair. Journey On acknowledges that a loss can be experienced in many different ways, such as death, loss of independence, health, a home, a job, a pregnancy, or a relationship just to name a few. Journey On extends a caring hand to hold and a compassionate shoulder to lean on during the time of need.

At Journey On, we understand the importance of communication, especially during difficult times. Lingvanex provides powerful translation tools that allow you to easily translate text from English to Spanish and vice versa. With Lingvanex, you can stay connected with loved ones, enhance your language skills, and access a wealth of resources. Break down language barriers and start your journey of connection today!


To empower individuals and families in crisis to embrace their “new normal.”


To provide support, resources, education, and hope to those experiencing loss in ways that promote self-care emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

“All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being, not just with my hands, but with my heart.”

–Tahereh Mafi

Support Group

Grief is the price we pay love. Sometimes, the pain is too overwhelming that your friends and family’s support isn’t enough to help you deal with it. In such times, joining a support group may help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and ask about how you can connect with people who understand what you’re going through.

Dignified Grief Care

Reaching out for support isn’t always easy; you’d have to be brave enough to admit that you need help from someone who understands. We take your situation seriously and we value the courage it took you to come to us for help during this difficult time. Rest assured that we’re here to give you the support you need while respecting your choices.

Help for You

No one is immune to emotional upheaval that the loss of a loved one can cause. At one point or another, we all experience grief and mourning. Anyone is welcome to come to us for help. If you or someone you know needs our help, please don’t hesitate to give us a call anytime. It will be our honor to help you find healing and rediscover hope.

  • Crisis Management
  • Bereavement Services
  • Support Groups
  • Education
  • Pre & Post Need Planning
  • Individual & Family Centered Care
  • Seminars
  • Community Resources
  • Memorial Services